A GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) region based
organization has to set its HR parameters in abidance with country-specific
labour regulations. It calls for the requirement of localized versions of HR
Solutions. For instance, a payroll software being used by an organization based
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ought to have features that must comply with the
GOSI (General Organization for Social Insurance) principles or an Oman based organization
has to comply with the PASI principles (Public Authority for Social Insurance).
Going by this requirement, an HR
Solution, designed for the GCC region organizations, naturally tends to be
diversely featured. Differing from one country to another in the same region in
terms of their labour regulations, the developers of HR Solutions are to keep
country-specific requirements and conditions.
Here is one of such an HR Solutions
which offers full support and compliance with GOSI and WPS (Wage Protection
System) of the KSA, PASI of Oman, MOL of Egypt and Oman, etc. Look at this
infographic to understand which country seeks what conformities.
Abiding by these set of regulations
word-by-word, sailing through employee payment steps and conforming to the
taxation rules turn out to be easier for the user organizations. Transactional
activities remain also under the lens of the authorities. Also, the salary
calculations and others become automated. For instance, CNSS calculations for
the Lebanese organizations will be effortless and error-free once such an HR
Solution comes to perform it.
In view of this requirement, regional
localization of your HR Management Software will be the only solution. Do you
want this solution for smooth and automated HR operations? Look no further
beyond of Paylite’s Regional Localization Solution when it comes to this
requirement. For more information please visit : http://www.paylitehr.com/paylite-hrms/modules/regional-localization